Frequently Asked Questions
Question | Answer |
What is Osceola Prosper? |
Osceola Prosper is an incredible gift from the Osceola County Commissioners to students who graduate from high school in Osceola County. The Program, initiated in 2022, covers tuition and fees (after any grants or scholarships a student receives) at Valencia College or Osceola Technical College (OTECH) through a student's graduation or program completion. |
What does the Osceola Prosper program pay for? |
Osceola Prosper pays for tuition and fees (after any grants, including Pell grants, or scholarships a student receives) at Valencia College or Osceola Technical College (OTECH) through a student's graduation or program completion. |
What do I need to do? |
Who is eligible for the Osceola Prosper program? |
Every single student who graduates from high school in Osceola County! Students must earn a Standard High School Diploma and apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must ensure the FAFSA is sent to the institution. Please include Valencia College’s school code 006750 or OTECH’s school code 031279 when filling out the FAFSA application. Osceola County high school graduates must be admitted to Valencia College or Osceola County Technical College within the first year after high school graduation. |
I submitted the FAFSA. What’s next? |
After submitting your FAFSA, monitor your application and email regularly for additional information or verification requests additional information or verification. It is essential to complete these requests promptly to ensure your FAFSA is fully processed and your financial aid is finalized. An incomplete verification will prevent your FAFSA from being processed, and Osceola Prosper will not pay out if your FAFSA remains incomplete. Make sure you entered the correct school code when submitting your FAFSA:
Do I need to have a certain GPA or test scores to qualify? |
No. There are no GPA or test scores needed to qualify. If you graduate from high school and earn a Standard High School Diploma in Osceola County in the current school year, you're in! |
What high schools are included? |
All of them. Graduates from all Osceola County public, charter, and private high schools can participate, and Virtual and home-schooled graduates are eligible, too. Students graduating from a virtual school must reside in Osceola County and provide proof of residency. |
I was homeschooled, but I live in Osceola County. Do I qualify? |
Yes. Osceola Prosper is open to all public, private, and home-schooled students in Osceola County who are part of the high school graduating class. |
I am a Dual Enrollment student. Do I qualify? |
Yes. Osceola dual enrolled seniors who graduate high school are eligible for Osceola Prosper. Dual Enrollment students who earn their Associate in Arts Degree during or before High School graduation will be eligible for a Technical Certificate, Accelerated Skill Training, Associate in Science Degree, or OTECH program. Students earning their Associate in Arts Degree after High School would have met the Osceola Prosper one-credential degree promise. |
If I earn a Certificate of Completion, am I eligible for Osceola Prosper? |
Yes. There are options available for you to continue to earn the requirements for a diploma and become fully eligible for the Program. For instance, students with the W8A Certificate of Completion can retake the specific testing area where they still need to earn a passing score. Earning a GED is another way to become fully eligible. We encourage you to meet with your High School Counselors to learn more about your options. |
Are GED earners eligible for Osceola Prosper? |
GED earners who are part of the original members of the graduating class and reside in Osceola County are eligible for the program. Prosper Enrollment Cycle
I'm not a U.S. citizen – or I'm an undocumented or DACA student. Am I eligible? |
Yes. We'd love to have you in the Program. Students who cannot complete the FAFSA may meet with a Financial Aid Specialist for review and possible waiver of the application. |
Does it matter how much money my family makes? |
No, there are no income requirements. The Program is open to every Osceola County high school student graduating this year. |
Am I still eligible for the Osceola Prosper program if I have Bright Futures? |
Yes. Here's what will happen if you have Bright Futures or other scholarships or grants: We will find out if there's a balance between your award amount and your full tuition and fees. The Osceola Prosper program will cover any remaining tuition and fees once all other grants and scholarships are applied to your account. |
What if I don’t want to use my Florida Prepaid? |
If you do not want Valencia College to bill Florida Prepaid on your behalf, you are able to defer your Florida Prepaid. Please complete and sign the authorization form and return to the Business Office by the payment deadline. |
If I qualify for a Pell grant, do I still qualify for the Osceola Prosper program? |
Yes, you do qualify. Pell does not affect your ability to participate in Osceola Prosper. Here's what will happen if you qualify for a Pell Grant or other scholarships or grants: We will find out if there's a balance between your award amount and your full tuition and fees. The Osceola Prosper program will cover any remaining tuition and fees not covered by the Pell grant or other scholarships. |
How do I apply for Osceola Prosper? |
*The FAFSA is a form students fill out to get help from the U.S. federal government with paying for college. Every year, more than 10 million students complete the FAFSA and are awarded more than $100 billion from the U.S. Department of Education for college costs. |
I need help completing the FAFSA and the application. Where do I go? |
There will be workshops at Valencia College's Osceola, Poinciana, and Lake Nona campuses over the next few months to help you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the application for admission. We're also planning workshops at Osceola County high schools – be on the lookout for more information. You can also check out these online resources to help you complete the FAFSA. We are also standing by, ready to help you with questions. Call us Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at 407-582-1507 or email osceolaprosper@valenciacollege.edu. |
I have already applied to Valencia College for Fall. Do I need to do anything else to qualify? |
If you already applied to Valencia for the Fall, you'll only need to:
Other than that, see below on what you can do to prepare to be successful during your first semester in college. |
What's the deadline for applying? |
We encourage you to register soon so that you're able to enroll in the Program that best suits your needs and goals. Specific deadlines vary by semester and Program, but you must be registered for at least one course or enrolled in an Accelerated Skills Training or OTECH program by the Spring semester (after graduation) to qualify for the Osceola Prosper program. |
How do I stay enrolled in Osceola Prosper? |
To remain eligible for Osceola Prosper until you complete your Program (A.A., AS, Technical Certificate, Accelerated Skill Training (AST) or OTECH program), you'll need to:
That's the latest semester you will receive Osceola Prosper funds to support your degree, certificate, or training program. Students in an Accelerated Skills Training or OTECH program will be expected to finish the Program in the time allotted for the course or Program. |
Which Valencia programs are part of the Osceola Prosper Program? |
All of Valencia College's Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Technical Certificates, or Accelerated Skills Training programs in any of our campuses and locations. Use these links to see your options: |
Which OTECH programs are covered by Osceola Prosper? |
All Osceola Technical College programs are covered by Osceola Prosper, with the exception of the Cosmetology program. |
Can I take classes at any Valencia campus or location? |
Absolutely! And keep in mind that Valencia College has 7 campuses and 5 Centers for Accelerated Training. Click here to learn a little bit about each one. |
Do I have to enroll in an associate degree program to qualify? |
No. The Osceola Prosper program will support several options: any of Valencia College's Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Technical Certificates, or Accelerated Skills Training programs, or technical training programs at Osceola Technical College. |
What if I don't know if I want to earn an associate degree or sign up for short-term technical training? |
That's perfectly okay -- and we'll help! Every student eligible for Osceola Prosper can sign up for a visit to a Valencia campus, where a team of Osceola Prosper will explain your degree and certificate options. As an Osceola Prosper student, you will also be supported by your Success Coach in career advising and in selecting and registering for classes. |
What if my goal is to earn a Bachelor's degree at Valencia? |
Awesome! Osceola Prosper will provide tuition and fees for your Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Technical Certificates, or Accelerated Skills Training programs. And your Success Coach can help you identify the best pathway to get to your bachelor's degree of choice. Please note Osceola Prosper does not cover Bachelor's Degree. |
Aside from tuition, what does the Osceola Prosper program cover? |
The Program will cover any remaining tuition and fees after grants or scholarships are applied. When you complete the FAFSA, we will look to see if you are eligible for any state or Federal grant or scholarship funds. Then, Osceola Prosper will pay for what's left. |
How will Valencia help me be successful? |
Your Student Success Coach will guide you in choosing your educational pathway, choosing and registering for classes, etc. Schedule a visit valenciacollege.edu/students/advising/ Plus, like all Valencia College students, you'll receive access to a range of supports, including:
How can I prepare to be successful during my first semester in college? |
Participate in Osceola Prosper Events and connect with your Success Coach. Valencia College will offer several events and workshops for Prosper students over the spring and summer. Be on the lookout for more information on this website, and once you apply, via your Valencia email. Your Success Coach will also tell you about opportunities to meet some of your future classmates and professors and to connect with the college--including campus tours. Begin Exploring Your Educational Options If you're not sure if you want to earn an associate degree or sign up for short-term technical training, use these links to begin exploring your options: Then, when you meet with your Success Coach, you'll be able to ask more detailed questions. |
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Need more details or information, reach us at 407-582-1507 or osceolaprosper@valenciacollege.edu